Sunday, February 20, 2011

2 Months Old

RyLee is now two months old! She is the best baby ever. She is super smiley now and will respond to you when you smile. She also follows us with her eyes which is fun. And she sleeps very good (if she is snuggled up to mommy)

Verenda has been working non-stop on RyLee's baby room and it looks amazing. It is fun to see her so excited about something.

Allen and I have been working on installing new Laminate flooring on our main level and finally finished yester-night. It looks awesome and Vren is super-d-duper excited for that project to be over and done.

On a lighter note, I shattered my finger yesterday playing flag football. Vren has now officially ban me from any sporting events and I now have to wear a full coverage foam suit every where i go. She says its for my protection. But seriously, I have to have surgery on my hand some time this week but for now they put it on a splint and sent me home with a ring finger that points over the top of my pinky.


  1. Owww! Did you have any flashbacks of being in the ER, again? That is a crazy break-up of bone. How does it shatter like that? Good luck not bumping it when it's casted!

  2. Baby RyLee has blue eyes in one picture and brown in the trick! She has such big eyes and is soooo adorable! Can't wait to see the mad decorating skill in person.

  3. What a beautiful little girl. Sorry about your finger. Hope you got the floor done before you hurt your finger.
    Your Dad would be so proud seeing you and Allen working together. There weren't any fights I hope. Just thinking of your younger days. Ha!

  4. Wow Ron that looks pretty darn bad!! Poor you, hope surgery goes well!! RyLee is super adorable I love that second picture a close up of her face, Did you guys take that picture? I love it! The floors look great too! I imagine that was a ton of work!

  5. Nursery looks great. So sorry to hear about your hand!!! :(
